How do I prevent my pc from getting hacked?

In reality you can't. If hackers want to own you they will. You can, however make it less likely. Here is what I would recommend

  1. Start from scratch with a new or newly formated computer
  2. Install your OS and patch fully. Install only what you need, remove unwanted or rarely used stuff
  3. Install anti virus and firewall. I normally recommend non Microsoft, but MS security products are beginning to mature
  4. Install as little as possible, only programs that you use regularly. If you have programs that you use rarely, install them when you need them and uninstall afterwards
  5. Fully patch all your installed programs and keep them patched.
  6. Use long and ''Hard to guess'' passwords and use different passwords for important stuff. Hard to guess often means complex but not always. Complex passwords can be easily guessable 

    Now to the really important stuff
  7. Before touching keyboard remember to engage brain. Hackers rarely break your pc without you doing something for them. Clicking links, installing programs, viewing web pages and so on
  8. A word on browsers. I mostly use Firefox with NoScript installed and engaged. This prevents stuff from spawning when I brows. I also use Chrome for java heavy stuff that I trust in the first place. I only use IE when I have to. But that's just med
  9. A word on browsing. Don't brows porn, don't brows pirated stuff, Don't download torrent and free junk you don't need anyway
  10. If you haven't played you haven't won and nobody really want to give you money.
  11. Never open mails from people you don't know
  12. Your bank is never going to email you with important stuff like passwords, account information, credit card information. And if they do (call them on the phone and ask) Change bank
  13. Think, Think, Think and when in doubt! don't!

    Source: Quora
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