"Here's  all about top 5 Coders/Programmers in this world, read about them, learn from them & inspire yourself from their story"

1. Dennis Ritchie

Dennis Ritchie-Top 5 Programmers in the world
·         Dennis Ritchie (1941-2011) was an American Computer Programmer. Sir. Ritchie developed "C" programming language and co-developer of Unix Operating system. Dennis Ritchie worked for Alcatel-Lucent and for Bell labs.

·         Dennis Ritchie changed digital era by creating "C" programming language. Lisp, Visual Basic, Pascal,COBOL, Turbo pascal 7.0, PL/1, ADA, these are the programming languages are written in C programming language.

·          "C" is a best programming language for newbie programmers, who are interested in learning codes. 

·          Dennis Ritchie and his colleague Ken Thompson
received the Turing award for implementing and developing UNIX
operating system in the year 1983.

 2. Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg-Top 5 Programmers in the world

·         Mark Zuckerberg created when he was 20 years old, Mark and his Harward university friends helped to build Facebook. When Facebook started it was only available for Hardward students

·          Facebook website is mainly written in C++ and PHP programming language. Mark is very passionate about programming and
codes, In his early age he created a messenger called "Zucknet" that
allowed to chat with all computers. 

·         In 2003 Mark created Facemash, the website is all about comparing
two Harward university students side by side "Hot or Not" contest.

·         Some developers re-created Facemash -

·         In last year Mark Zuckerberg earned more than $2 billion worth
stock. And worth $15B according to report of usnews.

   3. Steve Wozniak
Steve Wozniak-Top 5 Programmers in the world

·      The Brain behind Apple Inc. - Steve Wozniak is an Computer scientist and Programmer. SteveWoz is well known for developing Apple-1 and Apple-2 :
·      In early 1976 Woz and Jobs developed a Hardware ,CircuitBoard design and Operating system for Apple- 1 . Apple 1 priced around $666, And sold 50 system boards to Paul Terrell (Computer shop owner) . After Apple-1, Woz developed first Color graphics personal computer with Integer BASIC programming language and they named it as a Apple-2. For sometime Steve Wozniak was teaching elementary school students about computer. In 2006 Steve Woz published his autobiography iWoz: From Computer Geek to Cult Icon. Now Steve Woz is working for Fusion-io as a Chief Scientist.

4. Bill Gates
Bill Gates-Top 5 Programmers in the world

Bill Gates: Founder of world's largest software company Microsoft. And also Co-chairman of Gates Foundation. Bill gates is one of the world's richest man in he world. Bill started working with computer when he was 13 years old.

·      When he was 17 Bill Gates formeda company called Traf-o-data. And In the age of 20 Bill Gates founded Microsoft Inc.
·      Bill Gates also created MS-DOS Operating system
and Windows OS. Currently Microsoft is one of the valuable company in the world. In 2012 Microsoft earns $73.72 Billion.

5. Linus Torvalds 
Linus Torvalds-Top 5 programmers in the world
·      Linus Torvalds is a software engineer, hacker and project coordinator. In 1991 Linus Torvalds released Linux 0.11 which is written in C programming language.
·       Linux supports more than 20+ platforms and Linux is a free and open source operating system, Open source means that you can get the source code of the operating system for free.

 The Top 5 Programmers lists ends here according to our Blog Team but there are thousands of best programmers are there Larry page, Brin sergy, Bjarne Stroustrup.

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