Interesting facts about Linux

Linus Torvalds was the founder of Linux Operating System
Linus Torvalds -Founder of Linux Operating System

  • Linus Torvalds posted a message on the group to Minix 20:57:08 GMT , ie, just the time when this entry was published to coincide, so much more accurate, with the anniversary date. However, with respect to date there is some controversy because if the August 25 published their intentions Linus Torvalds, the October 5, 1991, in another message to the forum, announced the publication of the first kernel .
  • Linux has caught on in many sectors and probably one of the least known is the film industry. 95% of the servers used by Hollywood studios for animation films have installed a GNU / Linux. In fact, the Oscar-winning visual effects of the Titanic by James Cameron came from machines with Linux and, according to James Cameron, Avatar was the first film shot entirely in 3D applications using free software on Linux machines.
  • Linux programmers are often associated with living "isolated" in the world, however, over 75% of the code developed for the Linux kernel came from private sector developers. In fact, large technology companies like Intel, Google, IBM, AMD, Sun Microsystems, Dell, Asus, HP, Analog Devices, Oracle, Novell or Red Hat help developing applications, contributing to the core or pre-installing any GNU / Linux their machines. In fact, during the 2003 Super Bowl (which paralyzes the United States and remains glued to the TV for many Americans), IBM delivered a beautiful ad talking about Linux and open source options.
  • 90% of the world's most powerful supercomputers using an operating system GNU / Linux, in fact, the top ten of supercomputers use Linux. In fact, the penetration of Linux in data centers is very high, 33.8% of the world runs on Linux servers compared to 7.3% does so in a Microsoft operating system. For example, Google's servers run on Linux, like the server hosting the website of the White House (which is done in Drupal, by the way).
  • The idea that Linux had a pet penguin comes from Linus Torvalds himself. A small bit him and it seemed funny that was the mascot of your system.
  • The name of the penguin, Tux , is not entirely clear. On the one hand, it is said that the origin of the name comes from the fact that penguins appear to be wearing a tuxedo, which in English is said max tuxedo tux and is abbreviated. In contrast, another source comes from the letters of the logo of Tux are Unix Torvalds.
  • The first Linux kernel occupied 65 KBand, thanks to the collaboration of developers, has become a project you are working 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
  • The first commercial distribution GNU / Linux was Yggdrasil was launched Lice-CD format in 1992. Red Hat was one of the first distributions to settle within companies and data centers in 1999.
  • Linux is present in highly critical applications such as Japan's bullet trains, traffic control, San Francisco, the New York Stock Exchange, CERN, many air traffic control systems or control of nuclear reactors of submarines and ships many nuclear war.
  • In 1994, William Della Croce Jr. Linux registered as a trademark in the United States and began to borrow money to GNU / Linux by the use of its trademark. Torvalds took this character to trial and, in 1997, recovered to register the Linux trademark.
  • The GNU project in 1991, had no drivers and kernel, that's what led to Linus Torvalds to address the Linux kernel development. If GNU had had, perhaps, Torvalds had not been put to work on that.
  • There are over 300 distributions GNU / Linux activities ranging from the well known Ubuntu or Debian distributions through governmental or educational level.
  • Debian was one of the first GNU / Linux that was constituted and organized as a community of developers.
  • In 2005, the prestigious Business Week magazine recognized Linux as a case study in the field of business.
  • Linux has facilitated the creation of a network of service and support companies that are expected to bill more than one billion dollars worldwide.
  • Linux has more than 9.2 million lines of code and this amount grows 10% each year. Of the 9.2 million lines, the kernel itself accounts for 5% and 55% drivers. Add lines 4500, 1800 and 1500 are removed are changed every day.
  • In 2002, Microsoft had accumulated a INR 25,772.06 million cost of fighting the spread of Linux, according to The Register.
  • Countries such as Russia, Brazil and Venezuela have put their focus on Linux as a basis for interoperable management , cost efficient and technologically independent.
  • Toyota based computer systems of their vehicles on a GNU / Linux.
  • The authorities in the Siberian city of Tyumen, Russia, authorized last year, a group of Linux supporters Leventer a monument to this system. This statue would be a Tux.

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