Smartphones of Our Future

What might smartphones look like in 2018?

Well talking in particular about smartphones, they would not differ in their form factor like what we have today but they would eventually change a lot aspects of how we communicate. 

  • Phone calls could be facilitated by the internet
  • Second screen device mirroring could be used in large
  • SD card could be obsolete paving way for complete cloud storage integration
  • Your online social identity could be large than your unique phone number
  • Natural Language Processing would be our most used input method compared to Touches.

I do see a lot of answers in this particular thread in favor for various design changes but I do not see any fundamental changes in the width, breath and height of a smartphone of today. Even though it might occur then they might be of totally different category like how we evolved from "Telephones" to "MobilePhones".

There are infinite possibilities when it comes to smartphones of the future: Some on-going technologies in smart-phones which might become commonplace by 2018 are:

 Foldable OLED screen 

Sixth-Sense Tecnology

Solar Charging Batteries

Transparent Display

Holographic Display

These developments will give birth to a new species of smart-phones Some Concept designs:

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